Bonded In Shadows Read online

Page 2

  “Better than ever.”

  Small lie. She was coping and trying to come to some sort of compromise with her inner thoughts on just how to handle her family, Draven’s pack and her daughter’s rite of passage.

  As she adjusted her body so the spray from the water would hit them both, the ends of Draven’s hair ghosted along her skin as he dipped his head and kissed her shoulder.


  His hands started to caress her. Callous fingers covered with sudsy soap washed her body from head to toe. His hands worked her with strength and care. Everything was better than good. Everything was perfect, as long as she didn’t step outside the bubble they’d erected when in their room. On the other side of their bedroom door was a world full of leering gazes and cold shoulders. Trepidation made her shiver at the thought of stepping out of their place of sanctuary.

  # # #

  “Can anyone tell me why I can’t find my damn shoe?” Belinda looked over at her men, placed both hands on her hips and arched a brow. “Anyone?”

  Royce shrugged, and Ronin flat out ignore her, giving her his back so he could finish packing their bags. They were going to be late, all because she still couldn’t keep her hands to herself. She wanted to throw what shoe she did find at the back of Ronin’s beautiful head of hair, but decided that was a bad move. He’d been bitching the entire drive down to Shreveport. However, seeing Ronin bent out of shape, huffing and puffing about the long drive did her in. So she had Royce pull over at the nearest hotel so the three of them could do some things. Sex things.

  It had been insane the way they loved her, and that damn duffel bag filled with all its ropes, and toys were going to be the death of her. Yup, they were keepers.

  “Just put on the slippers.” Royce said with a sigh.

  “I don’t want to wear my slippers!”

  Damn, she was irritated. Something was seriously wrong with her.

  “What crawled up your ass and died Princess?” Ronin asked. His back still turned to her as he stuffed the rope back into his duffel bag.

  “You’d think after a little afternoon delight, she’d be manageable.” Royce commented.

  “Shit! I just want my other shoe.” Belinda threw up her hands in mock surrender and paced the length of the hotel room.

  Maybe she was having jitters about being tied permanently to hulk one and hulk two. As soon as the thought escaped, she smiled. Nope. She was ready, had been for the last week. But apparently her hormones were on a rampage. Gods! She could be pregnant, or worse Bena was in her maturation cycle. That just had all kinds of bad written across it with pink highlighter!

  With the stress of the ceremony, her mom bitching out over her choice in consorts and her half-brother playing on the wrong team, well, she was falling apart. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a cycle, or the last time Bena had gone bananas. Belinda Raine Ignis, soon-to-be-Zarides with a kid? Whoa! No! No way! It had to be stress.

  Royce was taking a step toward her when she put out her hand to hold him off. Holy cow! She could be the mother of their child, or children. Yikes! This was something she was not ready for. They’d hardly had time to spend with each other. There were still things on her to do list that needed completing.

  “Not now,” Bells said with a shaky voice.

  You’re being selfish Ignis. Babies are gifts. The sound of her mother’s voice whispered through her head, this was something she’d heard a lot when her mother had been planning her ceremony to Dietrich Johnson. Well that had worked out real well, hadn’t it. Mentally shaking her head, she tried to loosen the stress in her body at the thought of being pregnant by relaxing her shoulders and taking a deep breath.

  “Come here baby. You’re a wreck.” Royce ignored her warning and wrapped her in his arms. “We’ll find the shoe. Let’s take a breather.” His voice was soothing, but did nothing to stop the rapid-fire thoughts that screamed inside her head. His idea of a breather was kissing her senseless until Ronin cleared his throat. They both turned to look at him and saw he’d found the other shoe. He was holding it up in his hand for her to see.

  “It was under the bed, Deva.”

  Ronin set it gently on the bed and stepped outside.

  “I’m a hormonal bitch.” Bells pulled away from Royce and plopped down on the bed beside her shoe.

  “Nah babe. You got a lot on your mind. Come on, we need to get back on the road, two more hours to go.” Royce pulled her from the bed after she stepped into her shoes and they walked out of the hotel hand in hand. She did have a lot on her mind, but it probably wasn’t what Royce thought it was, and there was no since in worrying them. It could be there was nothing to worry about.

  When she reached the car, she tossed the keys to Royce and smiled. “Kick rocks.”

  “You got it.”

  The sound of the car door slamming as he hopped into the cab as she slid into the back with Ronin, reminded her that they were well on their way. Ronin’s face was strained and Bells could tell he was deep in thought.


  “S ’okay. There is a lot going on. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t just as effected.” Ronin said with a tight smile.

  He was right. They all had things they were dealing with. The twin’s father was part of the Red Sun Organization. They didn’t know if Albanus was the mastermind behind the entire operation, but concluded he was at the very least a high-ranking officer. Bells leaned into Ronin’s shoulder and pulled his hand into hers.

  Bells snuggled into Ronin’s shoulder, nudging him until he pulled her into his side. She took a long deep breath, and let it out slowly through her nose. She couldn’t help but be grateful to have both men in her life.

  “I love waking up to you every morning and sleeping next to you every night.”

  She peered up at Ronin to see his eyes had closed at her words, his face calm and free of worry as he let out a deep sigh of contentment.

  “Me too baby, me too.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Royce said over his shoulder.

  “Yeah, you too handsome, even though you hog all the blankets, besides, what girl wouldn’t want to wake up to the two of you?”

  “That’s what’s up!” Royce winked at her through the rearview mirror and put the car in reverse pulling out of the hotel’s parking lot.

  Bells forced herself to enjoy the ride to Shreveport. They were on their way to her niece’s party and to her upcoming nuptials. Babies would have to be put on hold for a little bit longer. Bells wanted to meet the rest of Draven’s extended family as well as attend her first werewolf birthday jamboree. Her friend had her hesitations about Faith’s spirit walk, but Bells tried to console her by explaining that each immortal faction was different. Hell, she had to die and be reborn again in order to take her next step in life. A little spirit walk for Faith would be okay.

  “You seem real tense Deva.” Ronin pulled her legs over his lap, pulling her shoes off and massaging her feet. He rubbed the instep of her heel and Belinda let out a quiet moan. She loved when he called her Deva, it meant my beloved, and he used it more than her given name.

  “Hmm. Lot on my mind, but all better now. Keep rubbing.”

  Ronin smiled and continued to rub her feet.

  # # #

  Royce watched his brother and Bells through the rearview and smiled. The last few weeks had been amazing. He was happy, his brother was happy, and the woman they loved was happy. She was the glue holding it all together. Things weren’t great, but they weren’t bad either. The bad guys were hibernating and their Captain was okay with things being calm. Would there ever come a day when they could all rest? Unlikely.

  Royce watched the black sedan following two cars back in the mirror. They’d been following since they’d reached the Louisiana border.

  “I’ve been keeping tabs.”

  “Should we tell her?”

  “No, she has enough on her plate right now.” Ronin thought back to Royce.

e right. I don’t want to ruin her day with the news that we’re being followed. Do you think it’s the Agency?”

  The Agency were the non-players in all the crap that went on in the immortal world. They didn’t act, but they sure loved to watch. Compliments of the higher ups. They were like Men in Black, only they didn’t have the cool gadgets, and they sure as fuck could care less about mortals. They were reporters. Spies. They watched everything, from everyday interactions with mortals to trying to nail down what the Agency called their mating rituals. Nosy fucks.

  “I know it is. Smelled their stink two days ago. Hasn’t left since.”

  Royce slammed his hands down on the steering wheel in anger. How could he not have suspected?

  “You okay up there?” Bells asked. She reached forward and squeezed his shoulders.

  “Yeah baby, I’m good.”

  Her fingers sifted into the hair at the nape of his neck where she squeezed.

  “Keep doing that shorty and we’ll be pulling off to the side of the road again.” Royce rumbled.

  “Who you calling short?”

  Ronin pulled her back into his arms before Royce could answer.

  “Give it a rest Deva. We all know you’re far from short.”

  “Bells you’re an Amazon of a woman, and I mean that in the best possible way.”

  Long legs, long straight black hair that was silky to the touch, Royce enjoyed the feel of her tresses against his skin. Bronzed skin that spoke to her Egyptian ancestry. But the one thing that was his complete undoing was her violet eyes. Extraordinarily bright in a way that gave her a eyes an ethereal gem like quality, that made her classically beautiful.

  “Gee, thanks handsome.”

  Bells snuggled deep into Ronin’s side and placed her feet back in his hands.

  Royce looked in the mirror again and noticed the car was getting closer. There were two figures in black suits and dark sunglasses. Men in Black wannabes. He changed lanes and watched as the car followed. They were still two cars behind. Instead of staying at a steady pace, he placed his foot on the gas and floored it. If they wanted to watch and report back, they were going to have to work for it because he sure as hell wasn’t going to make it easy on them.

  “You in a rush?” Bells asked.

  “Nah, gotta pee.”


  His brother grinned but otherwise didn’t comment.

  Royce wove in and out of traffic dodging cars left and right, and still the black sedan followed.

  “I gotta loose them before we get to Bossier City.”

  “Pull over at the gas station. Next exit coming up.” Ronin said.

  How was he going to lose them at a gas station?

  “I have an idea meat head, just follow my lead.”


  The Agency wasn’t allowed to interfere with Shadow Unit business. But it was still a pain in the ass to have to deal with them at all. He didn’t want to lead them to Draven’s family compound either. This wasn’t the type of company people wanted crashing any parties.

  Five minutes later, Royce pulled into a gas station. They didn’t have much time, knowing the black unmarked sedan would be only minutes behind them. He hoped Ronin’s plan was a solid one.

  “We’re stopping again? You couldn’t hold it?” Bells complained. “We’ll never get there.”

  “Relax. Immortals can have bladder failure too. I’m not going to let that happen to me baby.”

  Ronin pulled Bells out of the truck and walked her inside with an arm slung over her shoulder. It gave Royce just enough time to scope out the rest of the area and see where the fuckers were hiding. He knew they would be pulling up any minute.

  # # #

  Ronin grabbed Belinda around the waist and walked her through the aisles, arms snug around her waist he kissed her on the side of her neck. She tasted good. Too good. He was all for being late to Faith’s party. The little monster would understand. Besides, if he missed the first get-together, he wouldn’t miss the second one. It was too bad that the Agency felt now of all times was a good time to start tailing them.

  “You’re all hands today.”

  “Everyday.” He said against the side of her jaw as he nipped the skin there. Ronin squeezed her gently and released her.

  “We gotta ditch the truck Deva.”

  “Figured,” was her response.

  The corners of Ronin’s eyes crinkled as he arched his brows.

  “You knew?”

  “Hmm.” She nodded. “Since we reached the Louisiana border.”

  Gods, he loved his woman. She didn’t miss anything.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Hey, you two are the hulks. I figured you had it under control.”

  “You trust us that much?” It floored him that she had so much faith in him and his brother.

  “Duh, I fucking love you two.”

  Every time she said the words, his heart wept with joy. There were too many times over his long life, he thought the organ was dead. He wasn’t human, but he did have a heart, and it felt as much as any other heart that beat inside a chest, be it animal or man.

  Belinda looked around the store with glee. She was like a kid in a candy store, and Ronin had no clue why she was so excited all of a sudden.

  “Whose car we jacking?”

  There it was. She was excited about stealing a car. Figured.

  “Trading.” Ronin whispered, so no one would know what the two of them were talking about.

  “Jacking.” She said back.

  “We’re trading Deva, not jacking. My excited criminal.” Ronin chucked her under the chin, the corners of his mouth tilted up in the beginnings of a smile. Belinda did that for him, made him smile when he would normally be serious.

  She threw her head back and laughed. He loved that sound. It was musical and filled with happiness. Ronin turned her towards him and slid his hands in her hair pulling her head back, so her face was close to his. They stared at each other intently until she whispered against his lips.

  “I’m not a criminal. But I’ve always wanted to hotwire a car.”


  “Sex fiend.” She shot back sucking his bottom lip into her mouth. His jeans tightened painfully, and he stifled a groan. He wanted her again, just like that. Didn’t matter where they were. It only took moments like this to undo him completely.



  His face split into a grin at their banter. He could be himself, and she’d still love him no matter what. One more thing to love about her.

  “Pick a car princess, any car.”

  Belinda turned to look out the window at their limited selection. Some were getting gas, others were parked while their patrons were inside buying snacks. Her eyes roved over her choices from right to left and back again. He watched her with a keen eye and noticed she kept coming back to the same RV.

  “That one,” she said pointing at the RV where a family was all standing outside talking while the father checked the pressure in the tires. It was a newer model RV and would probably go anywhere from fifty to sixty miles an hour. It was doable.

  “They’re going to be okay right?” Her voice held concern for the family, and Ronin understood. They were about to relieve them of their car. But the switch would serve its purpose. The Agency would follow their car and observe the wrong parties actions. There would be no contact between the Agency or the family.

  “Yeah, baby. Our tail are a bunch of looky-loos. They observe and report back. The family will come to no harm, by my hand or theirs.”

  “Groovy! Let’s go hotwire us an RV.”

  Chapter 2

  “Baby girl. I’m so glad I got your call.”

  “Glad you picked up Faada.”

  “You don’t have to slip into the old tongue for me sweet. You know how your mother gets. She says we’re uncivilized when we revert to the old language.” Jes rolled her eyes, even thoug
h her father couldn’t see her.

  Jes and her father both laughed at his comment. How Enola Ashant ended up with Joseph Zealand, was a mystery, even to her father. But he loved her and made sure his wife wanted for nothing. Having grown up on a sugar plantation, his daughter received the same treatment.

  Her mother would chew them both out if she knew they were speaking in Kriol. On the other hand, her grandmother would tan her hide for not keeping true to her roots.

  “Da how is grandma?”

  “Feisty as ever. She’s complaining you haven’t been home for years. I was really hurt baby girl when we couldn’t be there for Faith’s birth. We all were. When you refused to come down for a visit that hurt even more.”

  She hadn’t really refused, but it had been for the best.

  What he said was true, and she couldn’t argue with him. But they would have taken one look at Faith with her claws and pointy teeth and deemed her a demon. Especially her grandmother. It would have not been an insult but an observation. Her grandmother was a very astute woman and the most superstitious out of them all. Inara Ashant called Belmopan the hot spot for the devils work. Jes hadn’t been able to face them back then. Now, she could. Faith was older. Her claws retracted, and her teeth, well, she would tell her darling daughter not to smile too big.

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m trying to make up for that now.”

  “Yeah, by giving us a week’s notice that my granddaughter is turning six.”

  “Five da, she’s turning five.”

  “You know we will be wishing her a sixth birthday. Have to make sure our little one is blessed for the upcoming year.”

  That was how the saying went. She’d been telling Faith she was five for the past year, when she was really four. It was an old superstition. In order to bless the child or person with good health you always said they were a year older than their age, as a way of blessing them for the upcoming year. Her family used to go as far as baking two cakes, one with the correct year, and the second with the following year.