Bonded In Shadows
Copyright 2014 Tigris Eden
Cover: Stephanie Scott
Editor: Danielle Romero
All Rights Reserved
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the work of the author's imagination, or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
ISBN-13: 978-1625173454
I would like to thank Belinda from Hanging with Bells for taking the time out to pick this story apart with me when Bonded was in the beginning stages. You, as always my friend Rock!
A huge thank you to Virna DePaul for offering her moral support and comments on the story when I first started writing it.
To The Shadow Unit Street Team, I couldn’t have asked for a more fantastic group of gals! Thank you for all your lovely words and ego boosts!
To you, the READER… THANK YOU for reading my words and enjoying my stories. It means the world to me that you welcome me to your reading device on a regular basis.
As always a big thank you to God. Without him nothing is possible.
I would like to dedicate Bonded In Shadows to a very special man in my life, LL. Thank you for allowing me to be me, and for encouraging me along the way. I love you.
To my street team, for being so enthusiastic about this story! You guys all rock and I’m blessed to have such wonderful peeps! (And yes my lovelies you get double thanks)
Glossary Of Terms
Amrita: Immortal Goddess of Nectar
Deva: An endearment. It means love or loved one.
Ferals/Blue Bloods: A breed of immortals enslaved by the Gods for their ambrosial blood. They were sometimes called Blue Bloods, as their blood is blue. Their blood contains healing qualities and induces the drinker into a euphoric state. They were believed to be extinct.
House Dead Crest: One of the three Royal Vampiri houses. Rumored to be from death demons
House Red Haven: One of the three Royal Vampiri Houses. Rumored to be from war demons
House Vayne: One of three Royal Vampiri Houses. Rumored to be from true blood demons
Leviratus: Son marries his brother's widow. He can take her as a the first mate or the second mate if the son is already married. She is also to produce offspring with the second son as quickly as possible so that the child may be claimed as the dead brother's offspring. A tradition of old.
Lycans: A shifter breed of werewolves. They are of lesser class than those directly descended from Lycaons.
Lycaons: A race of werewolves that are direct descendants of the Arcadia King son of Pelasgus and Melioboea. He tested Zeus by serving him a dish of his slaughtered son to see whether the God was truly omniscient. In return he was turned in to a wolf.
Matria: The Matriarch of the Phoenix Enclave
Nesting: A phase of deep sleep that a female phoenix goes into before her death.
Phoenix: Mythical Immortals said to be descendants of Alexander the Great. There are five Houses now bonded as one. The females go through their nesting phase, then their death, and finally their rebirth.
Red Sun Organization: A radical organization of immortals who believe they should not bow to human society.
Regs/Regular: Vampires that are considered regular. They do not have fangs, and can only drink blood that is compatible to their own.
Sahidic: An ancient text that has been hidden away for thousands of years… It will help end the war between the different Immortal Factions.
Shadow Unit: A group of Immortals put together in a task force to police their kind. They are a covert group and only the highest ranking officials of the world, know about their existence.
Sharma: A priestess from House Phoenix
Slave Law: A law for Regs to live in servitude to a royal house before they can become part of the family through a Blood Vow.
Tasting: A bacchanalia of sorts for Ferals to come together to find their mates.
The Angel of Unveiling: Eremiel, the Angel of the Apocalypse.
The Agency: A secret organization that keeps tabs on The Shadow Unit.
VAB: Vampire Blood AB it’s a drug sold to humans and other immortals looking for a high. It’s illegal to sell and punishable by death in some Houses.
Vampiri: Royal members of one of the three Vampire houses infected with a demon strain of blood. They have fangs, and can drink from any blood source without an adverse reaction.
Chapter 1
A strong, calloused hand slid down Jes’ spine coming to rest on her hip. Draven’s hand gently flexing as his fingers walked along her skin. She trembled, knowing exactly what he wanted. They were lazy most of the morning, slowly making love and now he was ready for round two. Her body came alive with anticipation as his hand fastened around her hip and gently massaged the skin there. His other hand held her head in place as his warm lips skated across her sensitive skin making her entire body tremble at his touch. Jes turned to face him, loving the heated look in his eyes and the sensual curve of his mouth as he smiled seductively at her. Completely relaxed she moved closer, intertwining her legs with his while he continued to pet and stroke her.
His same hand moved to her collarbone, then her chest, kneading first one breast and then the other, while his mouth bit a path along her neck sending shivers down her spine. Her stomach fluttered and her breath hitched as his hand moved to first her belly button and then down to settle between the apex of her thighs. He played with her slowly dipping his fingers inside her opening making her hiss and moan while his fingers stroked deep inside. Draven gently pushed the length of his body into hers telling her without words to turn onto her stomach. When she did, he placed a hand underneath her stomach. Splaying his hand wide, he lifted her slightly as he positioned himself behind her. Slowly he glided into her slick folds, heating her body from the inside out. He pulled almost all the way out and then pushed forward all the way in with a practiced ease that made Jes break out in a light sweat.
Draven started slowly, building momentum until Jes began responding in kind, meeting him thrust for thrust as the pace of his movements picked up.
“Back your ass up, baby. Yeah, like that.” Draven panted.
Fuck! He was trying to do her in, Jes thought as she arched her back and rocked into him. His hands spanned her hips in a bruising grip. The pressure made her thighs tremble, and her back arch into every thrust. Soon his claws would mark her, brand her at the place on her hip that burned only for him, proving to Draven that she was his and his alone. They were fucking like animals, the sound of his balls slapping her flesh as he pounded into her echoed off the walls, and she felt every vibration in the marrow of her bones. Their base, raw mating had Jes clawing at the sheets. They’d been going at it since he announced she was fertile. Draven, issuing the challenge to her, as if he had something to prove. He’d missed the first five years of raising their daughter, and wanted to make up for
that by being there not only for Faith, but by giving her another child. Who was she to argue? She’d had her man back for almost three weeks, and although things weren’t completely back to normal, they were adjusting.
Everything happened too fast in the beginning. Jes had her world turned upside down. Dealing not only with the existence of immortals, as her daughter was proof that things actually did go bump in the night, but running into a man she’d thought she’d never see again. His claw dug into her hip and Jes cried out as the burning sensation that accompanied the mark intensified and flared outward bathing her in warmth.
Draven gripped her waist harder. His thrusts became punishing, destroying her from the inside out. Jes’ breath expelled on a deep groan as the walls of her vagina spasmed, gripping the length of his cock, she wasn’t going to last long. What little control she thought she had was slipping away from her one thrust at a time. One of his hands slid around her stomach, sliding down the center between her legs to rub her clit. Wanton filled energy crashed through her wave after wave when his fingers worked her nub in rapid movement. He stroked her body to the edge, pitching her forward into sated darkness. Her orgasm exploded, pushing her face first into the mattress. Jes’ ass was still up in the air as he pulled her back into his unyielding movements. Eyes screwed shut; she cried out from the jolt of her orgasm turning her body pliant to his will.
She felt completely used. She felt boneless, covered in a blanket of emotions wrapping her in his secure embrace. Exhausted, she let out a small sigh as she stretched; arching into him and spread her languid body flush with the mattress, taking the brunt of Draven’s weight. Lifting her head, she looked over her shoulder and smiled. Today was going to be a good day.
“Love you Jes. Fuck, love you so much,” Draven whispered. His voice harsh and focused.
His massive body blanketed hers, and Jes could not only hear, but feel the rapid beating of his heart. Knowing he was just as effected as she was fueled her own desire further. Both of them slick with sweat, his thrusts slowed and his hips begin to grind into her ass. The scent of their mating infused the air with a tangible emotion of love that settled nicely on her skin like a summer rain. She could feel his wolf at the surface now, his nails gliding gently against her skin. A month ago, his actions would have pushed her deep into a past where nothing was in her control. Now, everything was in her control, her life, her body, her mind, it all belonged to her, and she so willingly handed it over to Draven.
Once, twice, three times more, he pumped into her before groaning out his own release, sinking his teeth into her shoulder to muffle the sound. He stayed there for a time before gently pulling out and falling to his side with a grunt. Jes turned sleepy eyes towards Draven, she was happy to have him back. All the shit, all the pain, she would still go through hell and back to have him. She knew he was worth it and that much more. She’d finally started to wrap her head around things, when her life was uprooted again after being kidnapped and tortured by the man she believed was the ring leader for the Red Hand Organization. He’d tampered with her genetic make-up, which resulted in making her an immortal, and he hijacked the memories of the man she loved, turning him evil. The entire unit had thought Draven was dead, but she hadn’t given up the search for him. Now she had him back, and she was going to do everything in her power to keep him.
“Love you.” She stretched her neck until their lips connected into a lazy kiss that turned deeper as he pulled her into his arms.
“You’re all sweaty.” Jes halfheartedly complained as his arms tightened around her.
“So are you.” He buried his head in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply, tickling her with his stubble roughened jaw.
“Two more days.”
Faith’s birthday and their mating ceremony were in just two days. Belinda and the twins were also doing their ceremony. Something she and her best friend had planned. It was something that normally be done separately, but concessions were being made to accommodate their wishes. Instead of Belinda having her bond cemented in front of her entire Enclave, the both of them would do it at Draven’s family compound. It had all worked out perfect, because Surelle, Belinda’s mother had not approved of her friends choice in consorts. Her best friend had found not one true love, but two. Crazy! A life bond could never be broken, even in death. What better way to profess ones commitment in front of people who didn’t judge. So the five of them were doing a private ceremony where Mara would officiate. Jes and Draven would stand as their witnesses, and Bells and the twins would stand as theirs. A blood bond was sacred, and unbreakable. She knew his customs were different from hers. She wasn’t human anymore either, she was an immortal. Granted, it took some adjusting to, add to that, grappling with her insecurities over starting a new relationship after leaving a bad one made for a combination that compounded the stress that was already a heavy burden on her shoulders. Including her daughter’s spirit walk, which left her drained and uncertain.
A lot of things had happened in the last couple of months since her ordeal with Marcus. They still hadn’t figured out what type of immortal she was and because of what some sick bastard had done to her back in a warehouse, she would never be the same. It was still hard at times to cope with her abilities, but they’d been instrumental in the rescue of Draven.
His memory was slowly coming back, weaving the little details together as time went on. But she knew he still suffered over what he’d done while at the hands of the Red Sun Organization. He remembered the important things though, like family and love. That was something she viewed as a win for their situation. At least they had that. He’d agreed to talk to the unit’s version of a shrink, Ann. She was the Units, only human employee and originally been brought in to help Jes cope with the loss of her mate. It was Ann’s job to help pull him out of the dark that Jes could see lurking behind his beautiful green eyes. There was a lot going on now, and this mini vacation was just the thing they needed. Her life had been a Jerry Springer episode mixed with a heavy dose of psychotic because of her crazy ass ex, Marcus and his abuse.
Gabe dropping his nugget of “I am The Harbinger of Death,” speech had sent everyone into a tailspin. The twin’s father and Belinda’s brother were still on the run, or so Dravaggio hoped. It seemed things had slowed down just in time for the festivities. They were back at Draven’s family compound where her daughter would have two birthday celebrations. Out of the two rites of passage, Jes was having trouble with her daughter’s journey into the spirit world. Something her mate tried to explain to her but was still unable to ease her worries. What if something bad happened, or what if her daughter freaked out? Jes had a problem with all of that and a whole lot more; even with her mate trying to reassure her it would be okay.
The other party was for appearance only. Her family was coming, and they were human. What she used to be, but was no more. No one ever said life was easy. Besides, what little girl would turn down two parties?
“I have to call my family, make sure we have the right flight info. They should be here tomorrow.” Jes said as an afterthought. They’d been laying there and she could tell had she not said a word, her mate would have dozed off. That would have been nice. Should have kept your mouth shut.
Draven kissed the top of her head, winding his arms tighter around her. Every time he touched her, it was magic. Every. Single. Time.
“None of that. Or I won’t let you get up.” Jes said playfully getting out of bed. She was barely standing when he pulled her down on top of him, bringing a wide smile to her face. This was a side reserved for her and Faith. When he was playful with them it warmed her soul.
“Stay,” he groaned grabbing her by the neck and kissing her sweetly on the lips.
“Baby, got calls to make.”
“Later. We have a baby to make.” Draven said, feigning hurt, his eyes half-mast, and thick lashes almost touching his cheek.
Jes arched a brow. When he pouted like that, she could barel
y resist him, barely.
“One hit wonder. You did it before, you can do it again,” laughing she tried to pull away but failed.
“She-devil.” He growled, but reluctantly let her go.
Jes took her time in the shower; it allowed her to think about how she should approach her family. Her father had been ecstatic to hear from her. Her mother on the other hand, not so much. She’d told Jes that she should still be in mourning over Marcus, not shacking up with another man she’d barely met. Not that she had explained the significance of her and Draven’s relationship. Instead, she tried to explain her failed marriage as her mother labeled it. At one point, prior to seeking the units help, she’d even tried coming home, but her mother made it difficult for her to return. Enola told her she had to work it out with her husband, a typical response from a woman of her mother’s upbringing.
Jes turned her face up to the hot spray, luxuriating in the feel of the hot water. She touched her hip where Draven’s mark marred her flesh and smiled. Before, when he’d gone missing, she couldn’t feel the warmth his mark caused every time he was near. Now, she felt it all the time. Every look, every touch, would cause the skin at her hip to warm. Sometimes in the dark, she’d wake up to a searing heat that did nothing but blanket her in his security, reminding her he was there.
“Hey, everything all right?”
Jes jumped at the sound of Draven’s voice so close to her ear. She’d been deep in thought and hadn’t heard him step into the shower. The heat from Draven’s body immediately soothed her as he reached an arm past her to grab the soap.